Member Spotlight: Deniz Goekbuget, PhD

Deniz Goekbuget, PhD

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Current Residence
San Francisco, CA, USA

Graduate Degree
Ph.D. in Biology, ETH Zurich

Postdoc Work
Gene regulation in pluripotent cells

Current Position
Postdoctoral Fellow, Blelloch Lab, University of California San Francisco

  • Regulatory interplay of epigenetics, transcription, and DNA replication underlying pluripotent cell fate decisions and genome integrity.

  • This research explores how the pluripotent cells which give rise to all cells in the growing embryo coordinate cell fate decisions with accurate duplication of genetic information. As such, it sheds light on crucial aspects of cell biology that could impact medical advancements, particularly in fields like regenerative medicine and disease prevention.

  • Contributing to human knowledge about health and disease.

  • Diving into the unknown.

  • Both of my dear grandmothers died from cancer when I was a kid. With my mom being an MD, I developed an interest early on into how the human body mechanistically works.

  • Stay passionate about the research you do and remember that negative and positive results are equally important in guiding you towards a deeper understanding of your biological problem.

  • Robert Blelloch

  • Cooking, Hiking, Golfing, Skiing, Playing Golf

  • Once needed to be rescued by a helicopter in the mountains.

  • Connecting with a large community of stem cell scientists from both academia and industry on a regular basis is a very inspiring and rewarding experience.


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